good jerb
ncie game, one suggestion i have is that you make the games get progressivly harder instead of random.
good jerb
ncie game, one suggestion i have is that you make the games get progressivly harder instead of random.
nice dude
kik ass, only thing is, the puck didnt go fast enough/ slowed down too fast. other than that killer game dude! sound got annoying but its better to have lame sound then no sound. the programing was sick. over all great job
liked the first one better, i didnt liek how the enemiers were harder to kill. you should have just made alot of really weak enemies, it takes more skill that way. just a thouguht. pritty good over all
the monsters in this were basically clones of the rats form the first. and how do easier enemies require more skill? thanks for playing though, but relaly, this one is an imporvmeent on the first in everyway, even i can admit that..
what is your primary language?
nice job!
really slick game! newgrounds needs a few female heros!
(put instructions, i still dont know how to attack)
okay, it was really cool... if you dont fuck get bombarded with glitches. the terrain needs ebtter progaming for when you walk on it... yes, sometimes i foudn myself int he middle of the ground and wondered how id got there. also the explosive terrain also means if you fuck up, you have to re start. i guess its oka it just means doing the same level over ever time you use an explosive weapon.
really cool game, but needs better programing for sure.
sorry to hear it was stolen from u, but its amazing! good job!
only thing is you have to make it so you can put ships virtically too. nice programing tho man!
the only hting i would rather it have is that when you let go of the shoot button, your aim is reset to look staight forward
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Age 40, Male
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Joined on 8/15/04